Warning this post is filled with the frustrations and struggles I had with school and it strongly lacks in pictures. You have been warned.
I am enrolled at BYU-Idaho for the Winter/Spring track. During the winter semester because of the wedding, I chose to defer the semester so I had from July 2012 to April of 2013 off. That was the first mistake with my last spring semester; I had been out of school for so long and I had been enjoying spending my time doing the things I wanted and focusing on photography, wifey things, and loving life. Spring semester seemed to me what summer school would feel like for a teenager; I always wanted to be out playing and doing things other than homework, especially because Logan wasn't enrolled.
My second mistake was not being prepared for my registration that just so happened to be while we were on our honeymoon. I remembered one of the days that we were on sea that registration was supposed to be while we were there and I needed someone at home to register for me. My sister in law Chelsea was so kind and got on an looked into classes I needed to take and got me a full schedule to meet scholarship requirements. After we came home, I kind of forget about all of it and didn't really check into any of the courses until a week or two before the semester started.
The third mistake was that I made completely unrealistic expectations for myself. I wanted to be wifey and have the apartment always clean, make food, and be the best wifey around. I wanted to be pushing myself farther in my photography career. And I wanted to continue to keep good grades and maintain my scholarship.
A few of my classes were for my major in marriage and family relations
(no, I am not taking any photography classes at school) and classes to
fulfill the foundation credits. I did take one class that was just an elective and enjoyment class. I have always loved to dance so I asked Chelsea to sign me up for a modern dance class and I was reminded of the passion I have for dancing. Some of my other classes were loaded with
so much homework that I would come home and do homework for hours on
As the semester progressed I felt so drug down and tired all the time. I was up to my eye balls in stress with my homework load and wishing I was doing photography instead and the wifey stuff just wasn't happening the way I wanted it too. I was really starting to struggle with one class and my teacher hadn't finished putting all of our grades in (didn't finish until the last day of the semester) so I had no idea how I was really doing. Throughout all of high school and college, I was confident with my study skills and everything, but I my confidence was fading in my science abilities. After realizing I needed help, I signed up for a tutor. And I was humbled. I'm so grateful I went to the tutor, that was one of my favorite classes, but I wasn't enjoying it because I couldn't recall and put it all together. But I went to the tutor twice and I learned how to help me remember, from there on, I LOVED that class and ended it with a high A.
During all this stress and frustrations, Logan was the one who always picked me back up, dusted me off, put a smile on my face. He truly is my rock and best friend. No one has ever been able to help me calm down and get refocused the way he has. He is my cheerleader, coach, and teammate all in one. And I sure love him. We started to talk about the possibilities that are before me now and what path we think I should take. Some of those include the idea of me graduating with my associates after the next semester so I can just push myself with photography. Another is to continue with my degree but also start taking some other classes for a minor in accounting or business. And another option would be to graduate with my associates after winter semester 2014 and then going to the College of Massage Therapy that just opened in Rexburg. This is something that has always interested me, but it wasn't ever close enough for me to really consider it, but now I am. And now we are left to decide, but we will see what the Lord wants us to do and we will trust Him to lead us where we need to be.
Now you now where we are standing for what is going on with my schooling stuff! Sorry for all the frustrations, but for the purpose of printing our blog out in a year, I want to remember all this. I'm grateful for the tough times, because it has shown me how grateful I should be to have the opportunity to go to school and gain an education. It also reminds me of how wonderful my dear sweet Mr. Logan is and lets me know, I truly married up.
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